Will the college credits that students earn at JFK be accepted by all colleges?
Will the college credits that students earn at JFK be accepted by all colleges?
Most are, but there are a few private schools that are choosy about which classes the students have taken. We have college counselors here that will help students navigate which transfer options are best for them.
If you take a College class, can it count for a high school requirement?
If you take a College class, can it count for a high school requirement?
Most students will take their HS graduation requirements at JFK, and their elective credit at the college; JFK does NOT graduate students "early" from high school
 Are studentsÂ
actually able to get into classes?
 Are studentsÂ
actually able to get into classes?
Each student has some priority registration. The more units you earn, the higher your priority is. ALL 9th grade students are guaranteed two classes
How do universities feel about Middle College students?Â
Is it an advantage?
How do universities feel about Middle College students?Â
Is it an advantage?
Students who have been in a college atmosphere and been successful tend to be a better indicator of future college success than students who have performed well in advanced high school classes (AP, Honors).
When do students start taking college classes?
When do students start taking college classes?
Students can begin taking classes at Norco College their first year of attendance. 9th grade students classes have already been selected for them. All students can expect to complete a 4 yr plan with a Norco College Counselor
Are the college classes really "Free"?
Are the college classes really "Free"?
Tuition is covered by Norco College. Students do have some fees for attending (approx. $35 per term). College textbooks are not included in tuition